Editor's Note A new study found that Black and Hispanic patients are significantly more likely to die after a surgical procedure than white patients, Newsweek October 15 reports. The findings were presented at the 2023 Anesthesiology annual meeting. The study analyzed over a million surgical procedures at 7,740 US hospitals…
Editor's Note Using a tube that collects about half the blood of a standard tube will still provide enough blood for a lab test while reducing transfusions for critically ill patients, a new investigative study published by JAMA Network reports. The study, titled "Small-Volume Blood Collection Tubes to Reduce Transfusions…
Editor's Note Researchers have found a way to use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify tumor types related to brain tumors prior to surgery. The findings were published on October 11 by the journal Nature in a study titled, "Ultra-fast deep-learned CNS tumor classification during surgery." Following are some highlights, according…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission has released a new Quick Safety Issue to call attention to the serious risks inherent with pressure injuries. "Quick Safety Issue 70: Early identification and evaluation of severe pressure injuries" was published on October 9. The following are some highlights: Pressure injuries can be caused…
The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing personnel shortages in hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASC), which are anticipated to persist. Before the pandemic, nursing supply and demand were already affected negatively by several factors, including approximately 70,000 Baby Boomer RNs retiring per year. As the remaining Baby Boomer RNs retire over…
Perioperative nursing, like any field, requires authenticity, honesty, and integrity for successful management. As perioperative represents one of the most challenging and demanding healthcare environments, patient-centered leadership is a must. This article previously published by OR Manager, titled "Words of wisdom: OR leaders offer tips for new managers," expands on…
A previous issue of OR Manager included the article, "Building a business case for new technology," which featured tips from leaders at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center on the importance of building a thorough business case for implementing new technology in the OR. With the next OR Business Management…
Editor's Note This review published by the Journal of the American College of Surgeons shows that surgical scorecards, or cards that summarize information regarding the cost of surgical items and procedures along with comparisons to similar operations, have been shown to significantly reduce costs without impacting clinical outcomes when presented…
Editor's Note Data from The Joint Commission on sentinel events—events that result in patient death or serious harm—for the first half of 2023 are out and look to be on par with last year’s all-time high numbers, Becker's Clinical Leadership October 2 reports. Data from 2022 showed events rising to…
Editor's Note The American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) have come together to release new standards for outpatient vascular centers aimed at enhancing the quality of care provided to patients receiving vascular surgical and procedural treatments, an ACS September 19 press release reports. These…