The opioid epidemic has risen to alarming proportions in the United States, claiming 46,000 lives in 2018. Studies and federal reports documenting evidence of narcotics overuse and addiction in patients have built momentum to curb prescribing habits. Responding to these trends, a Midwestern orthopedic practice launched a multiphase project to…
Editor's Note Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) administrators and managers trying to keep pace with the rapid growth in their facilities will not want to miss the robust outpatient surgery education offered at the 2019 OR Manager Conference. On Tuesday, September 17, Beverly Kirchner, BSN, RN, CNOR, CASC, chief compliance officer…
It is not unusual for OR leaders to perform many different roles: Boss, mentor, coach, facilitator, or participant, to name some. Administrators in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) likewise are tasked with many different responsibilities, often shifting among multiple roles within the same day. With the rapid growth in volume and…
Welcome to the first issue of OR Manager’s Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)-focused supplement: ASC Manager. This supplement will be inserted quarterly and is a new benefit for subscribers. The ASC market is projected to increase from $36 billion in 2018 to $40 billion by 2020 according to a recent market…
Editor's Note The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announced on June 4 that ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) that have administered AHRQ’s Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture can submit their data to the database until July 22. ASCs that submit data will receive free individual feedback…
Many experts see cardiovascular (CV) care as the next wave in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), and a hybrid office-based lab (OBL)/ASC model is gaining momentum across the country. Robert J. Zasa, MSHHA, FACMPE, president and CEO of Ambulatory Systems Development, LLC, in Incline Village, Nevada, sees the hybrid arrangement as…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on May 8 announced that its Ambulatory Care Accreditation team is launching a "We Know Surgery" campaign to highlight its 45-year history accrediting ambulatory care organizations. The campaign, which is being launched in conjunction with the Ambulatory Surgery Centers Association (ASCA) conference in Nashville May…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on April 24 announced that it will be posting spring 2019 updates to the E-dition® of its accreditation and certification manuals in May. The changes, which can be viewed on an organization’s Joint Commission Connect® extranet site, will go into effect July 1 unless otherwise…
Violence is a fact of life in healthcare settings. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration estimates that, on average, healthcare workers are four times as likely to be victimized as those in private industry. Most types of violent incidents involve patients or visitors acting out against staff, accounting for 93%…
Pressure to contain opioid overuse in the United States is at a boiling point. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that overdose deaths linked to opioid prescriptions have increased fivefold over the last two decades. To reduce reliance on opioid prescriptions, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services…