Editor's Note Large numbers of pediatric patients have tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies (T&As) in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) despite higher rates of complications in younger patients and patients with more comorbidities, this study finds. In this retrospective review, researchers from Stanford University, Stanford, California, analyzed 115,214 children having T&As in hospitals,…
Editor's Note Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) and car wash owners urged Connecticut lawmakers to roll back taxes they imposed last year to help balance the state’s budget, the March 9 The Republic reports. Owners say the taxes are a burden and predict establishments that operate on slim margins will close. An…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are collaborating on an initiative designed to adapt, enhance, and disseminated CDC guidelines on infection prevention in ambulatory health care settings. The initiative, “Adaptation and Dissemination of Outpatient Infection PrevenTion (ADOPT) Guidance,” will focus on free-standing…
Editor's Note Total hips can be performed safely and effectively on an outpatient basis, finds a study presented March 3 at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. The analysis included 549 patients who had mini-posterior arthroplasties at an ASC from 2008 to 2014 and were discharged…
Editor's Note Obtaining organs from deceased donors in a freestanding facility dedicated to organ recovery costs much less and leads to higher numbers of transplantable organs, this study finds. Researchers evaluated 6 years of data from the nation’s first freestanding organ recovery facility located in St Louis and owned and…
Editor's Note Capnographic monitoring during outpatient colonoscopy with moderate sedation increased costs significantly and did not improve patient safety or satisfaction, this study finds. The analysis included 966 patients (465 without and 501 with capnography) who underwent colonoscopy at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. Patients and nurses reported…
With several months of experience using an updated version of the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) diagnosis coding system, most US healthcare providers, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), are finding their worst fears have yet to materialize. ‘Lights would go out’ Although Medicare has not yet released data, insurance…
Editor's Note The prevalence of malignant hyperthermia (MH) in ambulatory surgery center (ASC) patients in New York state is approximately 1 per 500,000 and varies with surgical procedures, this study finds. Analyzing New York State Ambulatory Surgery Dataset data from 2002 to 2011, researchers found 31 of nearly 18 million…
Editor's Note Last year, government regulators blocked large companies that employ many low-wage workers from claiming that insurance coverage with no inpatient hospital benefits met the Affordable Care Act’s rules. These same companies are now purporting to meet the rules with plans that exclude outpatient surgery, the January 21 Washington Post…
Editor's Note In this study, researchers from Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut, calculated a risk-adjusted outcomes measure of outpatient colonoscopy, which shows important variation in quality among outpatient facilities. The outcomes measure profiles outpatient facility quality by examining rates of unplanned hospital visits in the 7 days after colonoscopy.…