Editor's Note Contrary to what some studies are suggesting, use of the local anesthetic liposomal bupivacaine as part of a multimodal approach to postoperative pain did not reduce in-hospital opioid use or opioid-related complications after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in this study. Researchers analyzed data on 88,830 TKAs performed with…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on May 9 announced a Class I recall, the most serious, of Fabius Anesthesia Machines by Dräger Medical. The recall was initiated because of excessive oil that was not removed at the time of production. Excess oil may interfere with the position…
Editor's Note The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) on April 25 reported that a national drug shortage of injectable opioids and local anesthetics is negatively affecting care received by patients under anesthesia. An informal survey of 2,500 ASA members, found that 98% are now experiencing drug shortages at their institutions,…
Editor's Note This study from the Mayo Clinic of children undergoing general anesthesia before age 3 supports earlier findings of no significant impact on intelligence. However, multiple exposures may be tied to behavioral or learning difficulties. In this analysis of 997 children (411 unexposed, 380 singly exposed, 206 multiply exposed)…
Editor's Note Spinal anesthesia was associated with lower mortality and morbidity rates after hip fracture repair than general anesthesia in this study that will be presented Saturday April 19 at the 2018 World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine in New York City. In this analysis of 2,591 patients,…
Editor's Note The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) on March 19 expressed strong opposition to the decision by insurer Anthem, Inc, that ophthalmologists assume responsibility for the administration of anesthesia and patient monitoring during cataract procedures. “Ophthalmologists are no more qualified to administer anesthesia than CRNAs are to perform…
Editor's Note An innovative use for a known drug, amisulpride, is showing promise as an effective treatment for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), finds this study. Amisulpride works by blocking dopamine signaling in the body. A total of 1,147 patients undergoing general anesthesia, who had three or four PONV…
Editor's Note Using a multimodal approach to pain management was associated with decreased opioid use, opioid prescriptions, and opioid complications in total joint replacement patients in this study. Of 512,393 hip replacement and 1,028,069 knee replacement patients analyzed, multimodal pain management techniques were used in 85.6% during surgery, on the…
Editor's Note Dedicated OR teams for a colorectal Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) program at Johns Hopkins Hospital led to anesthesia providers becoming more central to the ERAS network, which increased process measure compliance and improved clinical outcomes in this study. Before the dedicated OR teams were instituted, surgeons were…
Editor's Note Infection risk with peripheral and epidural catheter use in continuous regional anesthesia increases over time, especially after 4 days, this study finds. Of 44,555 continuous regional anesthesia patients analyzed in this German study, the probability of infection-free catheter use decreased each day of peripheral and epidural catheter use.…