Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 27 issued a warning to healthcare facilities of potential safety risks associated with battery-powered mobile medical carts. The FDA has received reports of explosions, fires, smoking, and overheating of the lithium and lead acid batteries in these carts that required…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 14 issued a new warning saying that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthetics and sedation drugs during surgical procedures in children younger than 3 years or pregnant women during the third trimester may affect the development of children’s brains.…
Editor's Note The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on December 13 issued a final rule allowing full practice authority for certain advanced practice registered nurses working in VA facilities, including certified nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse midwives. The rule excludes certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), following lobbying…
Editor's Note Nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) is a growing component of anesthesiology practice, this study finds. The proportion of NORA cases overall increased from 28.3% in 2010 to 35.9% in 2014, and the mean age of NORA patients increased significantly faster than OR patients. Compared with OR cases, more NORA…
Editor's Note Assigning certain anesthesiologists to specific surgeons affected team performance and turnaround time in this study. Researchers assessed the relationship between turnaround times and assignment of anesthesiologists to surgeons using a Monte Carlo simulation. They constructed managerial decision tables for the assignments, and defined a decision algorithm based on…
Editor's Note The Surgical Apgar Score (SAS) was found to be significantly predictive but weakly discriminative for major complications and death after emergency high-risk abdominal surgery in this study. The risk of major complications, death, and ICU admission increased significantly with decreasing SAS (P < .001). The score’s c-statistics were…
Editor's Note Pretreating red blood cells (RBCs) with nitric oxide may reduce the risk of pulmonary hypertension, a dangerous side effect of transfusions, finds this study. The Food and Drug Administration allows transfusion of RBCs that have been stored for 42 days. However, recent studies suggest that transfusion of RBCs…
Comprehensive surgical patient care models are associated with better outcomes, according to studies presented at Anesthesiology 2016 in October. In a study of 1,356 patients undergoing total knee, hip, or shoulder joint replacement surgery, pain management and communication between patients and physicians improved when care was based on the perioperative…
Editor's Note Use of the Perioperative Surgical Home (PSH) model in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion improved surgical outcomes, this study finds. A multidisciplinary group created evidence-based protocols for preoperative, postoperative, and postdischarge patient care. Anesthesiologist comanagement of patients also allowed a new pathway for patients…
Editor's Note Total knee patients in enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs have less pain and recuperate faster, finds this study presented October 23 at the Anesthesiology 2016 annual meeting. The study, from Rush University Medical Center (Chicago), included 243 total knee patients, who were provided a combination of postoperative…