A high-performing anesthesiology group is critical to the success of a hospital OR. Most OR leaders, however, do not know how to work effectively with anesthesia providers to define high performance and establish performance metrics. Traditionally, anesthesia group contracts have not included detailed service standards. Language about anesthesia coverage is…
Demand for anesthesia technicians is on the rise, according to a recent Chicago Tribune headline. The article touts the position as a way to “work in the operating room without going to medical school.” Although this description may be an overreach, it does help raise awareness of the growing and…
Among the challenges facing OR leaders everywhere are declining payment in tandem with rising costs, increased quality and patient satisfaction requirements, and the ongoing struggle to manage relations with surgeons. When it comes to tackling these issues, many OR directors do not realize they have a powerful natural ally—the anesthesiology…
New information on surgical fires sheds light on risk factors, patterns of injury, and why OR teams need to plan for their occurrence. A May 2013 study led by Karen B. Domino, MD, MPH, is the first to assess closed malpractice cases of surgical fires. Dr Domino, professor of anesthesiology…
The patient, an elderly woman, arrived at Red Rocks Surgery Center in Golden, Colorado, for an ophthalmology procedure. A paraplegic, she was using a scooter chair. Administrator Jane Klinglesmith, BS, RN, CNOR, watched her checking in at the admissions desk and noticed she was on dialysis. As she approached, Klinglesmith…
Nausea or vomiting after surgery can cause more distress than the pain, and even with modern anesthetics, it is not as rare as once thought. If the procedure is outpatient, symptoms may arise after the patient is at home, away from medical intervention. Thus, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) need to…
Better data coupled with an at-risk salary model for anesthesiologists have helped one academic medical center to improve its performance for on-time starts and turnover time between cases. The hospital’s surgical volume was growing, and it had to make the most of its OR time. Yet a lot of the…
A column on managing the OR revenue cycle How to charge for surgical services is a frequent source of questions from OR directors and business managers. In this column, Keith Siddel, MBA, answers frequent questions about charging. He is an officer with Health Revenue Assurance Associates (HRRA), Plantation, Florida.…
Updated infection control practices from the American Society of Anesthesiologists draw on data and national guidelines to inform anesthesia providers of practices shown to alter the incident of health care-associated infections. The recommendations also focus on prevention of occupational transmission of infection in anesthesiologists. The document has not been reviewed…
Is there a shortage of anesthesia providers now? Does the nation face a shortage in the future? The answer for the current labor supply is: It depends on your area and whether your facility is urban or rural. The anesthesia labor supply and practice patterns vary dramatically, a new indepth…