Day-of-surgery cancellations decreased dramatically from 8% in 2008 to fewer than 3% in 2010 after a performance improvement (PI) project on preoperative communication at the Stony Brook University Medical Center Ambulatory Surgery Center, Stony Brook, New York. "The number of cases performed has increased, along with revenue. Patient safety and…
Freestanding centers are complying with most major recommendations for reprocessing gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopes. But a few areas still need attention, a new report indicates. The report, by the AAAHC Institute, a subsidiary of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, compiles quality and efficiency data on colonoscopy from 69 ambulatory…
The few ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) that use full electronic medical records (EMR) systems are not only ahead of their colleagues in the ASC industry. They are outpacing most hospitals as well. That does not mean others can safely ignore the trend. Before long, industry experts agree, health care organizations…
Advances in technology have led to shorter patient stays, improved outcomes, and the feasibility of performing more procedures on an outpatient basis. That means ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) need to continually reevaluate their procedure mix to be sure they are not missing out on potential business. Though taking on new…
Responding to numerous questions, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised its interpretive guidelines for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) to clarify that the history and physical (H&P) may be performed on the same day as the surgical procedure and may be performed in the ASC. The clarification…
Hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) will receive small rate increases for outpatient services under the Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System rule for calendar year 2011. Hospitals face new quality reporting requirements, but none of the new measures is directly related to surgery. ASC quality reporting was postponed once again.…
Medical-surgical supplies are essential to the delivery of health care. That is why even small hospitals usually have a staff member who is in charge of ordering, buying, stocking, and distributing the thousands of supplies and who knows how to manage vendors and negotiate contracts. Larger hospitals have high-level executives…
Financial difficulties are challenging more managers of ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) this year, according to results of the 20th annual OR Manager Salary/ Career Survey. Average annual salary (and total compensation) by region Note: Total compensation includes wages/salary plus bonuses, insurance, pension, etc. Much of the change can be attributed…
As health care facilities continue to face tight economics, the staffing picture of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) is much the same as last year. Compared to a year ago, most ASC managers say the number of open positions, staff turnover, and recruitment are about the same. There are few open…
Every ambulatory surgery center (ASC) needs a financial compass to help chart its course. Is revenue per case up or down? What about expenses per case? How does the center's performance compare with national benchmarks? A financial dashboard helps leaders at Harmony Surgery Center in Fort Collins, Colorado, see trends…