Subscriber Content Is there an ACO in your ASC's future?

There's a new abbreviation you will be hearing as part of health care reform—ACOs, or accountable care organizations. An ACO could be entering your ambulatory surgery center's local market. Encouraged under the health care reform bill signed in March 2010, ACOs are a strategy for curbing the rapid growth in…

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By OR Manager

Subscriber Content An ASC strategic plan can pay off

Here's a variation on a traditional interview question: How do you envision your ambulatory surgery center (ASC) in 3 years? In 5 years? Those who reply, "I don't know because I'm too busy analyzing last week's utilization," are not unusual. Unlike hospitals, health systems, and the average small business, ASCs…

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By OR Manager

Subscriber Content Keeping up with ASC credentialing

Staying on top of credentialing and privileging requirements in an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) is a daunting task. Credentialing applications need to be tracked; licensure, education, and other qualifications verified; databases checked for suspensions and any other adverse actions; and reappointments followed up. ASC leaders know accreditation surveyors expect all…

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By OR Manager

Subscriber Content Stay ahead of reimbursement changes

Ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) are generally set up to serve the needs of their patient communities while maximizing revenue for their physician, investor, or hospital owners. Take away those incentives, and it is reasonable for an ASC manager to ask, "What are we doing here?" Yet with falling reimbursement rates…

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By Paula DeJohn

Subscriber Content Small ASC Medicare update recommended

A government advisory panel has recommendeda0.6% inflation update for Medicare payments to ambulatory surgery centers for 2011. The recommendation came from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). Though MedPAC does not have an official role in setting the inflation update, its recommendations are influential with Congress and the Centers for…

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By OR Manager

Subscriber Content Pilot finds ASC infection control lapses

Pilot survey: ASC infection control lapses Infection control category Facilities with lapses* Examples of lapses Hand hygiene, use of gloves 12/62 (19%) 4 facilities had providers who failed to perform hand hygiene after contact with blood, body fluids, or nonintact skin. Injection and medication safety 19/67 (28%) 18 facilities used…

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By OR Manager

Subscriber Content Walking the tightrope of costs, preference

Purchasing managers are used to walking a tightrope between tough bargaining with suppliers and respect for the product preferences of physicians. Eventually, purchasing professionals, as well as physicians, realize these goals need not be inconsistent. The best value often is in the best product. At many ambulatory surgery centers (ASC),…

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By Paula DeJohn

Subscriber Content CMS: What are surveyors looking for?

When surveyors from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) arrived at Robinwood Surgery Center in Hagerstown, Maryland, at 2 pm one day last summer, the leaders were ready. "The surveyors were very thorough. You won't pass this if you don't operate as a quality facility and follow all…

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By Pat Patterson

Subscriber Content In ASC QI studies, try, measure, retry

Last in a series on ASC quality improvement. Like surgical facilities throughout the country, Lakeview Surgery Center is striving to make sure patients who have prophylactic antibiotics ordered before surgery receive them on time. Not only is on-time delivery of antibiotics the standard of care, but Lakeview also wanted to…

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By Pat Patterson

Subscriber Content A policy for using antibiotics wisely

Third in a series on ASC quality improvement. As is common practice, patients at Delaware Surgery Center in Dover have always been asked about allergies to penicillin and other substances. But when some started having adverse reactions to the alternatives, the center's staff looked for ways to improve results. They…

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By Paula DeJohn
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