March 19, 2020

CDC: First preliminary description of outcomes in US patients with COVID-19

Editor's Note

This first preliminary description of outcomes in COVID-19 patients in the US between February 12 and March 16, 2020, indicates that fatalities were:

  • 10% to 27% in patients aged 85 or more
  • 3% to 11% in patients aged 65-84 years
  • 1% to 3% in patients aged 55-64 years
  • less than 1% in patients aged 20 to 54 years
  • 0% in patients aged 19 years or less.

As of March 16, 4,226 COVID-19 cases had been reported in the US, with reports increasing to 500 or more cases per day beginning March 14.

Approximately 49 million people in the US are aged 65 years or more, and many who are at risk for severe COVID-19 associated illness might depend on healthcare services and support.

Additional investigations will increase the understanding of those who are at risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19 and inform clinical guidance and community-based mitigation measures, the authors say.


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