September 4, 2024

Countdown to OR Manager Conference: Lean and mean surgery centers—thinking outside the box

Editor’s Note

Bob Winandy, MSN, MBA, RN, CEO of Brightside Surgical, Brightside Specialty Clinics, and Infinity Medical Management, LLC, shared insights on innovative practices for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) at last year’s OR Manager Conference. With nearly 20 years of experience in surgical services, he emphasized the importance of flexibility, efficient staffing, and thinking outside the box to address common challenges in the ASC environment.

Highlighting the benefits of independent practice versus practicing at hospitals, Winandy urged ASC leaders to rethink traditional practices for patient care at an ASC and leverage key strategies such as tailored staffing solutions for success. In particular, he provided the audience with the following actionable insights and strategies for enhancing efficiency, flexibility, and patient care at their ASCs:

  • Importance of flexibility and efficiency: ASCs should seek to streamline processes, operate with agility, not mirror hospital bureaucracies, and innovate service offerings such as exploring new service lines or unique staffing models to maintain efficiency and responsiveness.
  • Staffing and cross-training: Cross-training staff to perform multiple roles will help reduce dependency on single-role employees; leaders should identify and develop versatile staff who can handle various responsibilities.
  • Adapting to changes and building resilience: All creative staffing effort shouldn’t be just focused on the team, but on leadership as well; constant adaptation and flexibility in leadership structures and operational practices will prepare most ASCs to withstand unexpected changes such as staff turnover and evolving regulations.
  • Leveraging resources and enhancing patient care: ASCs should leverage available resources efficiently, including relationships with vendors and local hospitals, and diversifying patient care options, such as implementing overnight programs; ASCs can prioritize patient safety and quality care through tailored approaches and less rigid structures.

Winandy also discussed the value of networking and sharing best practices among peers in the ASC community, as leaders have much to learn from how other ASCs might be incorporating successful strategies into their own operations. A benefit of working at an ASC is the flexibility that is characteristic to the environment—leaders who are not afraid to capitalize on that, and who do not fall into the “one-size-fits-all” trap, will ultimately create a more agile and effective outpatient surgical environment.

For more sessions exploring innovative solutions and strategies to successfully manage ASCs, attend this year’s OR Manager Conference in Las Vegas, October 28–30.


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