August 28, 2018

Effect of Foley catheter placement by medical students on postop CAUTIs

Editor's Note

Patients who have Foley catheters placed by medical students in the OR are at increased risk of postoperative catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), this study finds.

This analysis included 891 patients who had Foley catheters placed in the OR by surgical residents (547 patients), OR nurses (227), or medical students (117).

Patients whose Foleys were placed by medical students had more than a 4-fold increased risk of postoperative CAUTIs, compared to patients with catheters placed by nurses. Patients with Foleys placed by residents did not have an increased risk of CAUTIs.

More intense supervision of medical students during Foley placement in the OR and improved education on sterile technique may be important in reducing rates of postoperative CAUTIs, the researchers conclude.


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