Editor's Note
Intraoperative adverse events are independently associated with substantial increases in 30-day postoperative mortality, morbidity, and prolonged length of stay in abdominal surgery patients, this study finds.
Postoperative complications associated with intraoperative adverse events included deep/organ-space surgical site infections, sepsis, pneumonia, and failure to wean from ventilator.
Of 9,288 cases analyzed, 183 had intraoperative adverse events. Most consisted of bowel (44%) or vessel (29%) injuries that were addressed intraoperatively.
Objective: We sought to assess the impact of intraoperative adverse events (iAEs) on 30-day postoperative mortality, 30-day postoperative morbidity, and postoperative length of stay (LOS) among patients undergoing abdominal surgery. We hypothesized that iAEs would be associated with significant i...