January 7, 2016

Effectiveness of various pressures, solutions for wound irrigation of open fractures

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

Very low pressure irrigation with saline is an acceptable, low-cost alternative for irrigating open fractures, this study finds.

Managing open fractures requires wound irrigation and debridement, but the effectiveness of various pressures and solutions remains controversial.

Researchers investigated the effects of castile soap versus normal saline irrigation delivered at high, low, or very low pressures. The primary end point was reoperation within 12 months for promotion of wound or bone healing or treatment of wound infection.

Reoperation occurred in 13.2% of the high-pressure group, 12.7% of the low-pressure group, and 13.7% of the very low-pressure group. Further surgery was also needed in 14.8% of the soap group and 11.6% of the saline group.




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