September 25, 2024

HHS announces $75 million investment in rural healthcare

Editor's Note

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), part of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has announced nearly $75 million in funding to address critical challenges in rural health, including opioid treatment, maternal health care in the South, and supporting the financial stability of rural hospitals.

 According to the agency’s September 24 announcement, rural healthcare has long faced barriers such as smaller populations and long travel distances, making it difficult for residents to access essential services. HRSA’s funding includes approximately $54 million to launch and expand opioid treatment and recovery services in 18 rural communities. This initiative will enhance access to behavioral health support and coordinate care with social services, ensuring long-term solutions for substance use disorders.

The announcement also notes that $9 million will be allocated to five organizations in the South to expand maternal health services, ensuring comprehensive care for pregnant women before, during, and after delivery. This funding is part of a broader effort by the Biden-Harris Administration to improve healthcare outcomes in underserved areas, addressing disparities that rural populations often face.

Finally, HRSA will provide $12 million to help rural hospitals remain open by offering technical assistance. This effort is designed to improve hospitals' ability to add or expand healthcare services and maintain financial viability, keeping essential care available in local communities.


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