March 18, 2025

Hospitals make steady gains in patient safety amid persistent challenges

Editor's Note

Hospitals are making measurable strides in patient safety and workforce resilience, but sustained focus is needed to maintain progress, according to a March 13 report in Chief Healthcare Executive.

The article focuses on a new analysis from the American Hospital Association (AHA) and Press Ganey. Based on responses from 13 million patients and 1.7 million hospital employees, the data show reductions in patient falls and healthcare-associated infections, as well as improvements in patient experience and staff well-being. These findings add to evidence that the pace of improvement has been steady after setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a slight decline in prevention and reporting metrics underscores the ongoing need for vigilance.

As detailed in the article, the data show hospitals fostering open communication and teamwork see the greatest improvements in patient experience and clinical results. When care teams collaborate effectively, patients report higher satisfaction, and error rates decline. Strong safety cultures also encourage staff to report concerns without fear of reprisal—a factor crucial to maintaining progress.

Other industry assessments align with the AHA’s findings, Chief Healthcare Executive reports. The Leapfrog Group’s Fall 2024 Hospital Safety Grades showed notable reductions in infections and medication errors, while Healthgrades recognized 442 hospitals as top performers in safety. Healthgrades estimates that if all hospitals matched the top 10% in safety performance, more than 100,000 adverse events could have been prevented between 2021 and 2023.


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