September 21, 2017

Joint Commission: Top five most challenging requirements for 2017

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission on September 20 announced the top five most challenging requirements for the first half of 2017.

The top five requirements identified most frequently as “not compliant” during surveys and reviews for hospital accreditation were:

  • 86%--LS.02.01.35: The hospital provides and maintains systems for extinguishing fires.
  • 74%--LS.02.01.30: The hospital provides and maintains building features to protect individuals from the hazards of fire and smoke.
  • 73%--EC.02.05.01: The hospital manages risks associated with its utility systems.
  • 70%--IC.02.02.01: The hospital reduces the risk of infections associated with medical equipment, devices, and supplies.
  • 68%--EC.02.06.01: The hospital establishes and maintains a safe, functional environment.


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