January 11, 2022

More than 19% of US hospitals critically understaffed

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

The US Department of Health and Human Services on January 9 posted data showing that more than 19% of all hospitals in the US are experiencing critical staff shortages and more than 21% are anticipating shortages in the next week, the January 10 Becker’s Hospital Review reports.

Five states with the highest percentages of hospitals experiencing critical shortages are:

  • Vermont: 52.94% of hospitals now and anticipating 64.71% within the next week
  • New Mexico: 48.21% of hospitals now and anticipating 48.21% within the next week
  • Rhode Island: 46.67% of hospitals now and anticipating 53.33% within the next week
  • West Virginia: 42.86% of hospitals now and anticipating 44.44% within the next week
  • California: 35.35% of hospitals now and anticipating 40.92% within the next week.

Hospitals using temporary staff to meet staffing ratios are not counted in the shortage data.


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