August 7, 2024

Nurse-led initiatives support workplace safety in outpatient settings

Editor's Note

In healthcare, ensuring the safety of staff and patients is paramount, particularly in outpatient clinics where incidents of violence can occur unexpectedly. At the 2024 SGNA Annual Course, experts discussed the importance of preparedness in managing violent situations in such settings, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News August 7 reports.

Jeanne Greer, RN, BSN, CGRN, from Cooper University Healthcare, initiated violence prevention training after an incident involving a patient who became violent postanesthesia. The event showed the need for a structured response plan, leading to the establishment of a violence council at her facility. This council developed protocols such as assigning specific roles to staff during crises, conducting regular violence drills, installing panic buttons, and collaborating with local law enforcement to clarify intervention roles during incidents.

Similarly, Emily Salisbury, MSN, RN, CGRN, from the University of Utah Health, emphasized the importance of proactive measures, including installing panic buttons and designing escalation protocols to manage aggressive behavior. Her team benefited from training by BERT Workplace Safety Solutions, which provided guidance on maintaining safe distances from patients and ensuring access to exits during potentially violent situations.

Other recommended safety strategies from both Greer and Salisbury include:

  • involve stakeholders in violence-prevention discussions
  • conduct regular violence-prevention drills
  • maintain clear communication among staff during incidents
  • meet with law enforcement to define their role in healthcare-related emergencies
  • contact patients preoperatively to assess their mindset
  • train staff in de-escalation techniques.

Listening to patients and allowing them to express frustrations can aid in de-escalation, while enforcing firm boundaries and documenting aggressive events ensures ongoing safety and accountability. Nurses are the at the forefront of patient care—they are in a critical position to advocate for creating a safe work environment for healthcare staff and empower them to handle challenging situations.


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