April 21, 2023

OR Manager 2023 Salary/Career Survey needs your input

By: Tarsilla Moura

Your insight can help shape future educational content from OR Manager!

We understand the challenges you face as an OR leader in the transforming healthcare landscape. To better understand your experiences, educational needs, and overall job satisfaction, OR Manager surveys perioperative leaders through our annual Salary/Career Survey.

The 2023 Salary/Career Survey addresses nurse leaders’ responsibilities, challenges and compensation, retirement plans, ASC and hospital budgets, and staffing needs. New this year, we invite you to share how you measure productivity in your departments, including any key performance indicators that you track. You can also enter to win one of five $100 Amazon Gift Cards or a pass to attend the OR Manager Conference in October upon completion of the survey!

To complete the survey, go here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VZYQZ2X

The survey will close on May 24, 2023, at 8 PM EST. The findings will be published in the September and October issues of OR Manager, and online at ormanager.com.

Please take 15 minutes to share your experiences with us. Thank you in advance for your valuable time and insight!

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