September 11, 2024

Researchers in Zurich, Hong Kong celebrate remote surgery milestone with successful pig endoscopy

Editor's Note

Surgeons used a remote control to perform a magnetic endoscopy on a live pig more than 9,300 km (nearly 6,000 miles) away, Medical Xpress reported August 26.

According to the article, researchers at ETH Zurich and The Chinese University of Hong Kong collaborated in the procedure, with the Swiss personnel using a PlayStation controller to operate the probe in the Hong Kong OR. A magnetic navigation system developed at ETH Zurich as essential, as was and a secure, fast internet connection, with a delay of only about 300 milliseconds enabling the 4-mm-thick probe to respond fast enough to signals to examine the stomach wall and collect samples.

This procedure is the first ever remote-controlled magnetic endoscopy, Medical Xpress reports, adding that full details are published in the journal Advanced Intelligent Systems.

Researchers expressed optimism about further research, including teleoperated endoscopy on a human stomach for cancer screening, training surgeons, providing diagnostic and surgical care in remote areas, and more.

The full Medical Xpress report offers images, video, and further context.


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