July 30, 2024

Study on pre, postop opioid use reveals improvements needed for managing young patients

Editor's Note

Many youths continue to take opioids months after undergoing surgery, according to a recent multi-institutional study published in JAMA Network.

Medical Xpress covered the news July 11. Conducted by researchers from CHOP, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford Medicine, the study found 1 in 6 youths fill an opioid prescription before surgery, and 3% continue to fill them 3-6 months post-surgery, indicating potential dependence.

Medical Xpress reports that the study reviewed more than 100,000 surgical patients aged 11-20. Of these, 46.9% filled an opioid prescription, with 16.2% filling them up to two weeks before surgery. Persistent opioid use was more common among patients with pre-existing chronic pain rather than those with severe post-operative pain.

Researchers say findings highlight the need for better guidance on opioid prescribing and recognizing patient-specific risk factors, Medical Xpress reports.



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