Editor's Note
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are the main anesthesia providers ensuring patient access to anesthesia care in lower-income areas where patients are more likely to be uninsured, unemployed, and/or Medicaid eligible, this study finds.
Anesthesiologists are more closely aligned with counties that have higher income populations.
Lessening restrictions on CRNA practice would improve the opportunity for CRNAs to better serve vulnerable populations, the authors say.
Nursing Economic$. 2015 October Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) provide anesthesia services to vulnerable populations, such as those with lower median incomes, the unemployed, the uninsured, and those with Medicaid insurance. Anesthesia access issues will become more apparent after full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, especially if uninsured low-income Americans participate in Medicaid and the health insurance marketplace.