August 24, 2017

Surgeons perform first magnetic compression anastomosis (magnamosis) in humans

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

In this pilot trial, surgeons used a pair of magnets (ie, Harrison rings) to create an intestinal anastomosis without sutures or staples in five patients.

For each procedure, one Harrison ring was placed in the lumen of each intestinal segment, and then the rings were brought together and mated.

The anastomosis is formed when the magnets compress the tissue between them and block blood flow, causing the tissue to die off. This forms a hole, and the surrounding area heals. Once the connection is fully formed, the magnets fall through the hole and are excreted in the stool.

For the study, device movement was monitored with x-rays until it was passed in the stool. All of the devices passed without obstruction or pain.

None of the patients had complications, including anastomotic leaks, bleeding, or stricture at median follow-up of 13 months.

Magnetic compression anastomosis (“magnamosis”) uses a pair of self-centering magnetic “Harrison rings” to create an intestinal anastomosis without sutures or staples. This first-in-human trial of the Magnamosis™ device demonstrates the safety and efficacy of the device in 5 patients undergoing complex open urinary reconstruction procedures.


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