February 6, 2020

Trends in infection prevention practices in VA hospitals

Editor's Note

From 2005 to 2017, use of 12 infection prevention practices significantly increased in US Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, and the adoption of many practices was higher than in non-VA hospitals, this study finds.

A total of 320 surveys were completed by infection preventionists in VA hospitals. Between 92% and 100% reported regular use of key infection prevention practices for Clostridioides difficile and central line-associated bloodstream infection.

In contrast, the use of practices to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection and ventilator-associated pneumonia were variable, as were diagnostic stewardship practices for healthcare-associated infections.

The findings suggest that as hospitals continue to merge and health systems become increasingly integrated, successes in infection prevention in VA hospitals could help inform patient safety, the authors say.


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