May 31, 2024

Type 2 diabetes case cured via stem cell therapy, researchers report

Editor's Note

Researchers claim a stem cell transplant cured type 2 diabetes in a 59-year-old man who previously needed multiple daily insulin injections, the South China Morning Post reported May 27.

The Chinese researchers behind the reported breakthrough published details of the case April 30 in the journal Cell Discovery. Their approach highlights the potential of stem cell-derived islet tissues in treating late-stage disease.  

While previous trials focused on human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), this study employed non tumorigenic human endoderm stem cells (EnSCs), which “appear to be more suitable as precursors for large-scale generation of islet cells,” researchers write. Further research is needed to explore the pharmacodynamics of stem cell-derived islets, extend the therapy to other diabetes subtypes, and develop universal islet products, they add.

Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes, affecting almost 90 percent of sufferers. Insulin is the mainstay treatment, along with losing weight and eating well.


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