January 29, 2020

Vikram Tiwari honored with 2020 Best in OR Business Award

By: Elizabeth Wood

Editor's Note

Wednesday, January 29, is a big day for Vikram Tiwari, PhD, who will receive the Best in OR Business Award at the OR Business Management Conference and will also present “The Power and Perils of Data Analytics” at 2 pm.

Tiwari is associate professor of anesthesiology, biomedical informatics, and management at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University, as well as director, surgical analytics, at Vanderbilt University Hospital. For the past several years, his predictive analytics model has enabled leaders at Vanderbilt to increase case volume and ensure adequate staffing. “We can much more efficiently tailor our operating room staffing levels to our case volume,” says C. Wright Pinson, MD, deputy chief executive officer at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and CEO of Vanderbilt Health System.

Tiwari says the model makes it possible to predict case volume up to 30 days out, and he aims to develop tools for predicting future states to help improve resource usage.

As a researcher and educator who believes in continuously learning, Tiwari is passionate about improving patient care and is a terrific role model for all healthcare leaders. To learn more, see OR Manager, February 2020, p 4.

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