[Free Webinar] Analytics Based Learning Systems: The Answer Starts with a Good Question 
Latest Issue of OR Manager
March 2025

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Providing reliable and safe patient care continues to be a focus of medical professionals and leaders within organizations, especially as many health systems transition to high-reliability organizations (HRO).

As part of the HRO journey, quality and safety leaders are charged with evaluating data for process improvement. Asking the right questions of the data, in addition to making connections to existing ideas and solutions in new and unusual ways, will drive reliability in your organization. A robust process for asking the right questions and having confidence in the data collection methods allows leaders to drive innovative solutions to patient safety initiatives.

This session will review the process of asking beautiful questions within the five principles of HRO. Real-time data collection methodology in the perioperative arena will serve as an example for patient safety and surgical quality dashboards. Examples of process improvement initiatives based on the reports will be presented. 

Participants will be empowered to replicate these processes in their own facilities to keep every patient safe every time.

Learning Objectives

    1. Quality and safety leaders will learn how to evaluate approaches to using data for process improvement.
    2. After the session, attendees can apply a robust process for asking the right questions and having confidence in the data collection methods.
    3. Attendees will learn how to ask “beautiful” questions within the five principles of High Reliability Organizations.


Aileen R. Killen, RN, PhD,
Director, Perioperative Excellence,
LiveData, Inc.



Jeffrey Oliver, Lt Col, Ret., CCNS, CNOR,
Clinical Support Specialist,
LiveData, Inc.

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