[Free Webinar] Create an Adaptable Culture: Best Practices for Implementing Change in a Clinical Setting

Create an Adaptable Culture: Best Practices for Implementing Change in a Clinical Setting

Thursday, September 26, 2019 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET | 1 CE

Culture is commonly a significant barrier to change in hospital and surgical center ORs. Today’s OR leaders know that overcoming this barrier demands appropriate and thoughtful staff engagement in order to create buy-in and support for changes.

Join us for this free webinar to learn effective tips and tricks for creating a culture that is supportive of change. Find out how to leverage best-practice ideas to create a governance structure that aligns leaders, to build performance dashboards that effectively engage and incentivize staff, to execute routine operational tactics that keep everyone on the same page, and more!

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