Costs & Cost Controls

Latest Issue of OR Manager
January 1970
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Medical schools including healthcare costs in curricula

Editor's Note Medical schools are beginning to teach students about healthcare costs and payment models as more patients enroll in high-deductible insurance plans and healthcare moves toward value-based care, according to a report by Kaiser Health News/KPCC/NPR. An Association of American Medical Colleges survey found that 129 of 140 responding…

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By: OR Manager
September 14, 2015

Variation in surgical readmissions mostly patient related

Editor's Note Postoperative readmissions occurred in more than 1 in 10 patients, in this study, with considerable variation across specialties. The majority of variation was attributable to patient-related factors (82.8%); surgical specialty accounted for 14.5% of the variability, and individual surgeon factors accounted for 2.8%. After adjusting for patient and…

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By: OR Manager
August 10, 2015

Effect of professional guidelines on preop testing

Editor's Note The release of 2002 guidelines on preoperative testing by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, American College of Cardiology, and American Heart Association was associated with a reduction in routine ECG testing but not of x-rays, hematocrit, urinalysis, or cardiac stress testing, in this study. Because routine preoperative testing…

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By: OR Manager
August 10, 2015

ASA survey: Who bears responsibility for reducing healthcare costs?

Editor's Note A survey of members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists on the level of responsibility they perceive stakeholders to have in reducing the cost of healthcare and perioperative care delivery found: physicians bear “major responsibility” (38%) physicians bear “some responsibility” (58%) physicians bear “no responsibility” (4%) hospitals bear…

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By: OR Manager
July 31, 2015

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Efficient health information exchange could significantly lower costs

Editor's Note Including a health information exchange query into emergency department patient care could significantly reduce the number of tests ordered and reduce costs, finds this study. Efficient health information exchange was associated with a 52% reduction in lab tests and a 36% reduction in radiology exams per patient ordered…

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By: OR Manager
July 8, 2015

Cost data comparisons help sway surgeons to standardize supplies

As payment models move from fee-for-service to value-based care, hospitals and healthcare systems are trying to reduce spending by 20% to 30% to maintain their budgets. Supply costs are usually the second largest expense after labor, and industry analysts predict they will take the top slot by 2020. In 2013,…

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By: OR Manager
June 16, 2015

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Master five key concepts to sharpen financial management skills

Most OR leaders are talented nurses who have risen through the ranks. They have strong clinical expertise but usually little background in financial management. And only about a third of OR directors have a business manager on staff. Recently, senior leaders at Surgical Directions discussed the question, “What financial concepts…

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By: OR Manager
April 17, 2015

Streamline selection and stocking to make supplies available and affordable

There are two ways to approach supply cost reduction. One is to minimize direct supply costs by optimizing product selection, controlling utilization, reducing waste, and negotiating more favorable prices. The other is to attack indirect supply costs driven by high inventories—the excess holding and labor costs associated with excessive supply…

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By: OR Manager
March 25, 2015

Building the business case for a hybrid OR

Hybrid ORs are proliferating in response to market, surgeon, and even patient demands, but building the business case for this technology can be challenging. “It’s a very expensive proposition,” says Lynne Ingle, MHA, BS, RN, CNOR, project manager for Gene Burton & Associates, a healthcare technology consulting company in Franklin,…

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By: OR Manager
February 12, 2015

Reducing emergency surgical procedures could save $1 billion

New research shows that even a modest 10% reduction in the proportion of emergency surgical procedures for three common conditions could save nearly $1 billion over 10 years. The study also showed significantly lower rates of mortality and better outcomes among patients who had these procedures on an elective basis.…

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By: OR Manager
January 15, 2015

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