A Big 5 report keeps perioperative leaders at the University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City abreast of leading financial metrics for the 31-OR department (illustration, p 9). The report displays financial variances for the 5 surgical supply-focused expense areas: medical-surgical supplies instrumentation implants wound closure supplies drug supplies. "These…
Is your value analysis process as strong as it could be? Value analysis is a key link in building a supply chain strong enough to stand up to today's cost management challenges. Check your process against these success factors, outlined by Thomas Skorup, MBA, FACHE, vice president of the Applied…
Which is more expensive—a robotic handle or a shunt valve? How much does hemostatic matrix cost? Thanks to an innovative game modeled after "The Price is Right," staff at the University of New Mexico Hospital (UNM), Albuquerque, know the answers: The shunt valve is more expensive than the robotic handle…
Profile of the typical OR nurse leader The typical leader of a hospital OR in the OR Manager Salary/Career Survey: earns an average salary of $127,000 for an administrative director, $104,000 for a director, and $89,000 for a nurse manager received a raise of 3.5% holds the title of director…
Purchasing managers are used to walking a tightrope between tough bargaining with suppliers and respect for the product preferences of physicians. Eventually, purchasing professionals, as well as physicians, realize these goals need not be inconsistent. The best value often is in the best product. At many ambulatory surgery centers (ASC),…
Pilot survey: ASC infection control lapses Infection control category Facilities with lapses* Examples of lapses Hand hygiene, use of gloves 12/62 (19%) 4 facilities had providers who failed to perform hand hygiene after contact with blood, body fluids, or nonintact skin. Injection and medication safety 19/67 (28%) 18 facilities used…
The tough economy has meant leaner budgets and fewer OR staff vacancies to fill. But OR leaders know they still face staffing challenges in the years ahead. Eventually, nurses who have been asking for more hours will start to retire. ORs need to keep the pipeline open for new candidates,…
Physician preference savings opportunities Price improvement: 5% to 10% Standardization (fewer companies or brands): 20% to 25% Utilization (changing consumption behavior): 65% to 75% Source: Wellspring Partners. As one of the hospital's biggest revenue and cost centers, ORs are a big target for expense reduction in these tough economic times.…
Spinal surgery is a costly specialty that strains OR budgets. The wide variation in techniques and costly technology make it difficult to manage. Challenges go beyond rods and screws. An array of biologics, such as bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and demineralized bone matrix (DBM) can add thousands of dollars to…
With no bailout in sight, health care needs to invent its own version of the hybrid car—become more efficient and cost-effective—to survive the economic downturn, one consultant quips. The times will challenge OR leaders to do even more to reduce costs and streamline operations. "We will all need to pitch…