Editor's Note In this study, complication rates and Medicare payments were significantly lower for high-risk surgical patients treated at local high-quality hospitals. Analyzing elderly Medicare patients having any of four elective inpatient surgical procedures between 2012 and 2014, researchers found that one-fourth of high-risk patients had surgery at a low-quality…
Editor's Note The widely used “LACE index,” which assesses a patient’s risk of hospital readmission, has a “blindspot” because it fails to consider whether patients are on Medicaid, West Virginia University researchers say. LACE stands for length of stay, acuity, comorbidity, and emergency department. To assess the predictive value of…
Editor's Note Though Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have had some success in reducing spending for medical care, they have not had similar success with surgical spending, this study finds. Of 341,675 patients at 427 ACO hospitals and 1,024,090 patients at 1,531 non-ACO hospitals analyzed, average baseline payments were similar…
Supply chain is the lifeblood of the OR, so any disruption in the flow of that lifeblood can lead to outcomes ranging from dissatisfaction with backorders to chaos if a new implant doesn’t arrive on time. But disruption also can be a positive force, especially if it supports flow. When…
Each year at the OR Business Management Conference, an outstanding leader receives the Best in OR Business Award. The 2019 award will be presented to Tracy Raymond, MHA, BHA, CRCST, CHL, perioperative services business manager at Amita Health Saint Joseph Medical Center (formerly Presence Saint Joseph), a 480-bed hospital in…
Multiple requests for new equipment and technology—usually from surgeons but also sometimes from staff—are not uncommon. As part of their due diligence, OR leaders must determine whether the return on investment (ROI) justifies the purchase. Doing ROI calculations systematically—and involving key stakeholders—can help ensure that the organization makes the best…
After transitioning from a paper-based data and operations management system to one that uses relational database software, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center (LHMC) in Burlington, Massachusetts, saved more than $1 million in product purchases in 2017. The surgical value analysis committee (VAC) evaluated 150 product requests and managed the conversion…
Editor's Note A survey by NewVantage Partners finds that 77% of healthcare executives are increasing investments in big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), according to the January 4 HealthIT Analytics. Disruptive forces and industry competitors are the major motivators for the increase. Nearly 80% of data analytics leaders say…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) underpaid hospitals by $76.8 billion in 2017, according to data from the American Hospital Association’s Annual Survey of Hospitals. Medicare underpayments totaled $53.9 billion, and Medicaid underpayments were $22.9 billion. Hospitals also provided $38.4 billion in uncompensated care, the January…
Editor's Note US healthcare added 50,200 jobs in December to a seasonally adjusted 16,213,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on January 4. That is up 346,000 more employees than a year ago, and the highest since 1990. The overall unemployment rate rose by 0.2% to 3.9%.