Editor's Note As of Monday, June 22, 150,424,675 Americans had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (45.3% of the population), and 177,635,067 had received at least one dose (53.5% of the population), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports. This tally includes two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer…
Editor's Note This systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis by UK researchers find that the FDA-approved, anti-parasitic drug ivermectin could reduce COVID-19 related deaths and infections. The data showed: The use of ivermectin to treat patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 reduced risk of death by an average of 62%. The…
Editor's Note The American Medical Association (AMA) has released a new survey of 301 US practicing physicians that shows 96% have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Of those not yet vaccinated, 45% plan to do so. Vaccination rates did not differ across: primary care physicians (98%) or specialists (95%) regions—North…
Does it really matter if surgical instruments are submerged in cleaning solution when technologists or nurses scrub them after a case? Is there a reason for the 3-foot separation between dirty and clean areas? Do germs stop at the red line? During the COVID-19 pandemic, much attention has been focused…
Many ingredients go into the recipe for patient safety, and culture is one ingredient that is often overlooked. If the perioperative culture penalizes those who call out patient safety issues and doesn’t commit to continuous quality improvement (QI), it’s likely only a matter of time before a serious error occurs.…
Communication is an underlying theme in several articles in this issue. We examine the concept from many different angles, but a common thread is its impact on safety—for patients and providers alike. In the COVID-19 era, safety has been a chief driver of decision making. Early in 2020, elective surgical…
The pandemic has called on leaders to inspire their teams to achieve greatness both during a crisis and afterward. The annual OR Manager Conference will bring Cy Wakeman, MS, CSP, to the stage to help attendees find ways to turn adversity into opportunity. Wakeman, president and founder of Reality-Based Leadership,…
As the nation gradually resumes activities that have been restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic, OR Manager looks forward to hosting two fall conferences. The OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC) takes place in San Diego, September 27-29, and the OR Manager Conference follows in Chicago, October 20-22. There has never been…
Virtual presentations have burgeoned in the wake of COVID-19, and nurse leaders have had to become more adept at both disseminating and receiving information this way. Choosing the right platform, learning the technology, avoiding distractions and system glitches, and using good communication are the primary criteria for success with this…
Provider burnout in the OR has been a problem for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought staff morale to a low point in hospitals across the US. Many OR leaders are facing staffing shortages just as demand for elective surgery is increasing. This is a significant problem for hospitals…