Present Your Research at OR Manager Conference
Latest Issue of OR Manager
March 2025

The OR Manager Conference Poster Gallery provides a forum for presenting completed research, in progress initiatives with preliminary results, or a new approach to a concept to solve a problem related to perioperative leadership. Presenters are encouraged to use graphs, charts, illustrations and photographs to create a visually appealing poster to convey their message about the project.

We strive to promote communication and collaborative research among nurses, provide a setting for exchange of information and lessons learned, and explore advances in perioperative clinical practice.

The Poster Gallery will be open during all Periop Networking & Innovation Hub hours. Poster Presentations will take place Tuesday, October 28, and Wednesday, October 29, 2025.

We are seeking process and quality improvement projects for the below areas:

  • Sterilization & Infection Control
  • Staff & Patient Safety
  • Patient Education / Satisfaction
  • Staffing Education / Training
  • Perianesthesia Care
  • Outpatient Surgery Care
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Schedule Optimization / Efficiency

2025 will mark our fourth year providing awards for the top three poster presenters during the OR Manager Conference. Posters will be evaluated based on originality and relevance to perioperative leadership, and their ability to offer a new approach to a concept to solve a problem related to perioperative management and leadership.

To submit a poster presentation proposal, please fill out the form below by April 4, 2025.

If you are interested in presenting a poster, please contact us before registering for the event, as you may qualify for a discounted rate. If you have any questions, please reach out to Carrie Shapiro, CMP, senior conference manager, at [email protected].

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