Presentation Proposal Submissions

Help Lead the OR Manager Community

Enrich your professional life by actively participating in the OR Manager community. Do you have a case study to share or first-hand experience in managing an OR suite? We’re always looking for new abstracts with take-home tools, poster presentations, and case studies with fresh perspectives. We invite you to share your experience with your peers in perioperative management—they would love to hear from you!

OR Manager Conference 2025
October 28-30, 2025 | Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California

The Program Committee is accepting poster research proposals through April 4, 2025. 

The Call for Posters is now open for the 2025 OR Manager Conference taking place October 28-30, 2025 in Anaheim, CA. If you are interested in presenting your research at this year’s event, please register your interest today. The Program Committee will be reviewing abstract proposals this fall for consideration in next year’s event.

The objective of the OR Manager Conference is to provide perioperative leaders with content-rich presentations offering fresh perspectives and strategies to lead the inpatient and outpatient surgical suite. The event is designed for Managers, Directors, Executives/C-Suite, Administrators, and other Perioperative leadership.



OR Business Management Conference
February 8-11, 2026 | Hilton, Austin 

Austin, TX

The Program Committee is accepting proposals to speak in 2026 through May 1, 2025.

Interested at speaking at a future event? Submit your proposal online!

The objective of the 2026 OR Business Management Conference is to provide business managers, directors, financial managers and administrators with tools to help manage ORs and maximize profitably and efficiencies of the surgical suite. We are seeking abstracts armed with take-home tools to help hospitals drive revenue, streamline processes, reduce expenses and increase productivity.

If you have a process improvement idea, solutions-based case study or a new initiative that solved a challenging problem in your facility, we want to hear from you. Abstracts authored by healthcare facilities will be reviewed by the Program Committee for consideration in the 2026 program.


Questions or interested in being a future speaker? Contact Carrie Shapiro, CMP, senior conference manager at [email protected].

If you are interested in presenting at one of our conferences, please select the event and submit your proposal using the form below. Note: If a ‘success’ message does not appear, do not fear! We have received your proposal and will be in touch.

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