July 18, 2016

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

By: Judy Mathias

CDC updates Ebola PPE guidelines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on August 27 updated its guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by healthcare personnel caring for suspected and confirmed Ebola patients.

The guidance clarifies the use of fluid-resistant and impermeable gowns and coveralls and provides additional explanation on:

  • the rationale for respiratory protection when caring for an Ebola patient
  • why the trained observer should not serve as a doffing partner
  • why a designated doffing partner might be helpful, especially when using a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
  • the order of boot cover removal—boot covers are now removed after the gown or coverall
  • the importance of frequent cleaning of the floor in the doffing area.


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