
Latest Issue of OR Manager
September 2024
Home Safety/Quality

New publications from the The Joint Commission target maternal health

Editor's Note The Joint Commission, on January 17, announced the publication of two new resources to help reduce mortality and morbidity in pregnant and postpartum patients. Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 66: Eliminating racial and ethnic disparities causing mortality and morbidity in pregnant and postpartum patients—emphasizes the effects of social determinants…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 17, 2023

Trinity Health to roll out virtual nursing program

Editor's Note Michigan-based health system, Trinity Health, will roll out virtual nurses at its hospitals in the state, and eventually, at its 88 hospitals across the nation, reports January 13 Becker’s Hospital Review. After a successful pilot project at Trinity Health Oakland, the Virtual Connected Care Program will ideally be…

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By: Bridget Brown
January 17, 2023

Research: Cancer screening diagnoses one in seven cases on average

Editor's Note Only about one in seven cases of cancer in the US are detected and diagnosed through cancer screening, The Hill December 15 reports, citing research from independent research institution NORC at the University of Chicago. The researchers found that “just 14% of diagnosed cancers are detected via screening—and…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
January 13, 2023

ERAS patients are prescribed fewer postdischarge opioids

Editor's Note This study by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, finds that patients participating in an Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) program were prescribed significantly fewer opioids at discharge, compared to patients before ERAS was instituted. A total of 3,983 patients were included (1,929 pre-ERAS and 2,054 post-ERAS).…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 12, 2023

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New ACS guideline helps trauma centers screen patients for mental health, substance misuse

Editor's Note On January 10, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) reported on a new best practice guideline released to help healthcare professionals screen trauma patients for mental health disorders and substance misuse. Because alcohol and substance misuse problems are prevalent and increasing in trauma patients, this guideline is an…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 12, 2023

Risk of MI, stroke, mortality in gastric bypass patients

Editor's Note In this study, Swedish researchers, find that gastric bypass was associated with a decreased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), but not ischemic stroke within 10 years of surgery, and it reduced mortality during the first 3 years after surgery but not thereafter. Study participants were divided into obese…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 12, 2023

Sponsored Message

FDA issues warning letters to endoscope manufacturer

Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on January 10 announced that it had recently issued two warning letters to Olympus Medical Systems Corporation and one of its subsidiaries, Aizu Olympus Co, Ltd, after facility inspections. The letters addressed violations related to medical device reporting (MDR) requirements and quality…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 12, 2023

Effect of state order curtailing elective surgery on volume during COVID-19

Editor's Note This study from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, finds that the introduction and removal of Michigan’s executive order curtailing elective surgery during COVID-19 lagged behind the ramp-down and ramp-up of elective surgery volume. Hospitals had already achieved a 91.7% reduction in case volume before the executive order…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 11, 2023

The Joint Commission raises healthcare equity standard to NPSG

Editor's Note The Joint Commission on January 10 announced that it had elevated the Leadership (LD) Standard LD.04.03.08, which addresses healthcare disparities as a quality and safety priority, to a National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG), effective July 1, 2023. Current requirements for accreditation will not change, and the intent behind…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 11, 2023

Study: Patient perceptions of surgeons linked to color of scrub attire

Editor's Note This study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill finds that scrub color is a valuable identification tool, and it is associated with patients’ perceptions of surgeons. An electronic survey was administered to patients and visitors at the University of North Carolina Medical Center in Chapel…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 11, 2023

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