
Latest Issue of OR Manager
September 2024
Home Safety/Quality

Stem cells from organ donor increase tolerance following transplant

Editor's Note An 8-year-old girl in the UK has been able to live a normal life without immunosuppressants following a kidney transplant in which both the organ and stem cells came from the same donor, The Independent October 12 reports. The patient was able to stop taking immunosuppressant drugs a…

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By: Brita Belli
October 13, 2023

Smaller volume blood draw tubes can prevent excess blood loss in sickest patients

Editor's Note Using a tube that collects about half the blood of a standard tube will still provide enough blood for a lab test while reducing transfusions for critically ill patients, a new investigative study published by JAMA Network reports. The study, titled "Small-Volume Blood Collection Tubes to Reduce Transfusions…

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By: Brita Belli
October 13, 2023

Primary care reminders key to timely follow up for cancer patients with abnormal screenings

Editor's Note Patient outreach efforts, including a reminder in the electronic health record (EHR) following an abnormal cancer screening, helped to ensure timely follow-up, a new investigative study in JAMA Network reports. This cluster randomized clinical trial, titled "A multilevel primary care intervention to improve follow-up of overdue abnormal cancer…

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By: Brita Belli
October 11, 2023

Patient perceptions of surgeon bias are influenced by race, gender

Editor's Note A new study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found that Black patients are more likely to perceive bias from their surgeons compared to White patients. The study, titled "Patient preferences and perceptions of provider diversity in orthopedic surgery," was published on October 6. The study…

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By: Brita Belli
October 11, 2023

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The Joint Commission addresses pressure injury dangers in new Quick Safety

Editor's Note The Joint Commission has released a new Quick Safety Issue to call attention to the serious risks inherent with pressure injuries. "Quick Safety Issue 70: Early identification and evaluation of severe pressure injuries" was published on October 9. The following are some highlights: Pressure injuries can be caused…

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By: Brita Belli
October 11, 2023

Study evaluates the effectiveness of predictive AI in healthcare settings, identifies shortcomings

Editor's Note Implementing predictive AI models in healthcare settings can alter the baseline assumptions the models were trained on in ways that cause the models to perform worse, according to a recent simulation study published on October 6 by the Annals of Internal Medicine.  The study analyzed 130,000 critical care…

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By: Brita Belli
October 10, 2023

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Cybersecurity alert: Vulnerability in Cisco’s Emergency Responder communications platform

Editor's Note Cisco has released an update that fixes a critical vulnerability in their Emergency Responder communications platform, a system used throughout the health sector, an October 6 HC3: Sector Alert from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Information Security reports. The HHS recommends that healthcare systems…

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By: Brita Belli
October 10, 2023

First nasal vaccine in development for deadly Strep A

Editor's Note A new nasal vaccine in development by Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics in Australia could provide long-term protection against the deadly bacteria Streptococcus A (Strep A), Griffith University's Griffith News October 5 reports. Strep A causes 700 million human infections each year, and there are more than 500,000…

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By: Brita Belli
October 9, 2023

Healthcare employment up in September

Editor's Note Healthcare employment in the US rose by 40,900 from August to September, according to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, released on October 6. That is compared to the average monthly gain of 53,000 over the prior 12 months, for a total of 17,055,100 seasonally…

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By: Brita Belli
October 9, 2023

Blast from the past: 10 tips on successful perioperative leadership for new managers

Perioperative nursing, like any field, requires authenticity, honesty, and integrity for successful management. As perioperative represents one of the most challenging and demanding healthcare environments, patient-centered leadership is a must. This article previously published by OR Manager, titled "Words of wisdom: OR leaders offer tips for new managers," expands on…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
October 9, 2023

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