Editor's Note The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) on March 19 expressed strong opposition to the decision by insurer Anthem, Inc, that ophthalmologists assume responsibility for the administration of anesthesia and patient monitoring during cataract procedures. “Ophthalmologists are no more qualified to administer anesthesia than CRNAs are to perform…
Editor's Note Most patients who had cataract surgery from 2001 to 2014 did so at ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) compared with hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs), this study finds. In this analysis of 369,320 patients who had 531,325 cataract surgeries, the proportion performed at ASCs increased from 43.6% in 2001 to…
Editor's Note National data show a large shift in cataract surgeries from hospitals to less expensive ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), where care can be delivered faster and closer to home, this study finds. From 2001 to 2014, the proportion of cataract surgeries performed at ASCs increased steadily from 43.6% to…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 22 announced the approval of RxSight Inc’s (Pasadena, California) Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device. This is the first system that allows ophthalmologists to make small adjustments to the implanted lens’ power after cataract surgery to improve visual…
Editor's Note The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on October 3 issued a Safety Alert saying the agency had received an adverse event report on a patient who was diagnosed with bilateral hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis after being administered injections of a compounded triamcinolone, moxifloxacin, vancomycin (TMV) formulation in each…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration on July 28 issued a Safety Alert for compounded triamicinolone and moxifloxacin for intravitreal injection by Guardian Pharmacy Services (Dallas, Texas). [The Guardian Pharmacy Services in Dallas is not affiliated with the national long-term care Guardian Pharmacy Services, LLC headquartered in Atlanta.] The…
Editor's Note The global ambulatory services market was valued at $2.3 trillion in 2016 and is forecast to grow to $3.7 trillion by 2024, according to a new study by Ameri Research. In 2016, primary care offices accounted for the majority of market share at more than 48% because they…
Each year, 3 million Americans have cataracts removed, according to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS). Between the aging population and the increasing number of cataract procedures being performed, it’s not surprising that ophthalmology has led the way in specialties that are moving to the outpatient setting.…
Editor's Note Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) and car wash owners urged Connecticut lawmakers to roll back taxes they imposed last year to help balance the state’s budget, the March 9 The Republic reports. Owners say the taxes are a burden and predict establishments that operate on slim margins will close. An…
Editor's Note Depending on which hospital a patient goes to for a low-risk surgical procedure, he or she may be 2.4 times more or less likely to be sent for preoperative blood work, this study finds. Researchers found that overall, unnecessary preoperative lab tests (eg, complete blood count, blood clotting…