In the past, most hospitals automatically sought accreditation from the Joint Commission, but recent years have brought new players to the field, prompting hospital administrators to rethink that strategy. One relatively new player is DNV GL-Healthcare (DNV GL). Since achieving deeming authority from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services…
Screening heavier patients for ambulatory surgery just became a little easier, thanks to a new brochure from the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) Institute for Quality Improvement, Skokie, Illinois. Titled “Ambulatory surgery and obesity in adults: Preventing complications,” the two-page toolkit draws on some 40 research articles outlining…
Moving quickly up the ranks of the top 10 most frequently scored standards for Joint Commission accreditation is EC.02.05.01. At the end of 2012, this standard was just barely in tenth place, with 34% of hospitals noncompliant. By the first half of 2013, it had moved to fourth place and…
Nobody wants to come to work some morning and find a team of inspectors waiting. There is nothing like a surprise exam to make one nervous. Yet inspections are necessary—and not necessarily evil. Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) inspections are required for Medicare certification by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid…
What’s the Joint Commission looking for when it surveys departments where surgery and other invasive procedures are performed? Tips, observations, and lessons were gleaned from a recent 5-day Joint Commission survey by John R. Rosing, MHA, FACHE, who was present for the survey. He consults on Joint Commission and Centers…
What’s on the Joint Commission’s list of problem standards? The top 10 scored standards didn’t change much in 2011. Five of the top 10 are Environment of Care/Life Safety issues. Here’s a look at the trouble spots as identified at the Joint Commission’s executive briefing in late 2011. Medical…
Flexible endoscope reprocessing continues to be a major focus in infection prevention. All of the known cases of pathogen transmission during GI endoscopy have been traced to breaches in accepted cleaning and disinfection guidelines or other infection prevention practices. A revised Multisociety Guideline on Reprocessing Flexible GI Endoscopes, released in…
There's a new accrediting organization in town, and some hospitals are choosing it as an alternative to the Joint Commission. In 2008, DNV Healthcare, Cincinnati, Ohio, became the first new hospital accrediting body in 30 years granted "deeming authority" by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). That gives…
Two weeks after the Joint Commission surveyors left in December 2006, the president of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Peter Slavin, MD, sat down and wrote a letter about the findings. It's not that he was boasting. In fact, he candidly said the survey was a "wakeup call," and surveyors "had…