Editor's Note This study from the University of Texas El Paso School of Nursing finds that students who were exposed to a higher number of adverse childhood experiences (eg, abuse, neglect, family dysfunction) had higher levels of burnout and depression. A survey of 211 students enrolled in the first semester…
In this issue’s 2018 OR Manager Salary/Career survey results, just over two-thirds of respondents report overall job satisfaction, but some see the lack of staff and support from superiors as chief gaps in what OR managers need to be successful (cover story). The relatively high job satisfaction rate is encouraging,…
Editor's Note Physician burnout was linked to a higher risk of patient safety incidents, lower patient satisfaction, and poorer care in this study. This meta-analysis of 47 studies involving more than 40,000 physicians, found that physician burnout was associated with double the odds for involvement in patient safety incidents and…
Editor's Note Just as it was with Boomers, empowerment is a popular desire among Millennials, but organizations need to know they can’t just talk about empowerment as they did in the past, they actually have to empower Millennials, according to Steve Keating in the August 30 LeadToday.com. Millennials aren’t fooled…
The old adage, “Laughter is the best medicine,” is worth adopting as a daily mantra to offset the pressures of the OR environment. Each year, the OR Manager Conference ends on an upbeat note with an inspirational and often humorous closing session. This year’s presentation, on Wednesday, September 19, is…
Disruption in the healthcare setting occurs all too often and can be dangerous for patients and staff like. Part 1 of this series discussed some of the reasons behind the volatile behavior of patients or their families and provided a list of organizations with resources for managing the problem (OR…
Editor's Note On June 8, the American Hospital Association (AHA) is hosting its second annual Hospitals Against Violence National Day of Awareness, termed “#HAVhope Friday.” The day has been set aside to focus attention on how hospitals, health systems, and their caregivers work daily to end all forms of violence…
Editor's Note Getting to know staff members and supporting that interaction with data helps leaders grow teams, S. Chris Edmonds says in the May 24 Great Leadership. To influence others in the workplace, Edmonds says: Connect with people at all levels and learn their names, their passions, what hinders their…
Disruption in the perioperative setting occurs across a continuum ranging from verbal outbursts to physical violence. “We live in an increasingly violent society, and we need to take measures to educate and prepare nurses and other team members to be safe,” says Margo Halm, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, associate chief executive,…
Societal problems in recent years have placed increasing burdens on healthcare workers. With the increase in mass casualty victims, people displaced by natural disasters, and drug or alcohol addicts, it’s not uncommon to experience disruptive patients or families of patients who arrive at the facility under a great deal of…