From sharps and blood-soaked surgical instruments to discarded anesthetic agents, biohazardous waste from ORs can threaten human health and the environment. In addition, failure to adhere to regulatory requirements can result in significant fines. However, the volume and diversity of biohazardous waste can create challenges with managing this material. Mitigating…
Editor's Note Using electronic medical record (EMR) data to track time-stamped information on patient movements and interaction with healthcare workers (HCWs) can help predict and block potential avenues for pathogen transmission, researchers claim. Healio reported the news January 24. Published in the journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, the research…
Editor's Note Most healthcare-associated surgical site infections are not caused by pathogens acquired in the hospital, but by previously harmless bacteria already present on patients’ skin prior to being admitted, according to a study published April 10 in Science Translational Medicine. Surgical site infections account for the highest annual costs…
Editor's Note: Adherence to routine disinfection procedures may not be enough to prevent potentially harmful bacterial contamination of high-touch hospital surfaces, according to findings published January 10 in the American Journal of Infection Control. Manikins, bed rails, and workstations-on-wheels were the most contaminated surfaces. The study involved sampling and culturing…
Editor's Note Patients in Maryland hospitals on mechanical ventilators were exposed to two dangerous pathogens, which are becoming growing threats in hospital systems, according to a new report published on October 12 by JAMA Network. The report analyzed survey data from 51 participating healthcare facilities. The data included 482 patients…
Editor's Note Paul Friedrichs, MD, a military combat surgeon and retired Air Force major general, will lead the new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which will replace the current COVID-19 and monkeypox response teams, and prepare for future pandemics, the July 21 Reuters reports. Dr Friedrichs will be…