Editor's Note Surgeons are more likely to be reported for unprofessional behavior than any other category of physician, and pediatric specialists are least likely, according to a study published June 6 in Jama Network Open. Based on data from the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy's Coworker Observation Reporting System…
Editor's Note Healthcare executives expect the US nurse shortage to worsen, according to the 2024 Healthcare Executive Report from Incredible Health, a career marketplace for healthcare workers. Projected to reach 1 million by 2030, the shortage is exacerbating stress on current staff and compromising care quality, according to the company’s June…
Editor's Note Most nurses think this year will be “no better or worse” than last year, and more than one-third are “extremely likely” to change jobs, according to a national survey by Texas healthcare workforce solutions company AMN Healthcare. Fox News reported on the findings May 10. Specifically, 80% of…
Editor's Note Poor working conditions are driving many nurses to leave the profession, according to a new study from University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR). The findings were published in JAMA Network Open on April 9. While previous studies have looked at…
Editor's Note The practice of concierge physicians is expanding as thousands of doctors at large hospital systems shift to a model facilitating high fees and decreased patient load, according to an April 1 report in KFF Health News. The concierge physician model began decades ago in wealthy areas of Florida…
Editor's Note The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), of the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is releasing an innovative, hospital-tested guide aimed at addressing and mitigating healthcare worker burnout, a CDC March 18 press release reports. This initiative is a cornerstone of the Impact…
Editor's Note Ambient clinical documentation is making big inroads among physicians, according to a report on the recent Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference published by CNBC on March 16. This year’s conference attracted more than 30,000 health and technology professionals to Orlando, Florida March 3-6. Highlights of…
Editor's Note Although burnout rates are high for all healthcare workers, females are particularly susceptible, according to a March 8 report in The Hill detailing a recent survey. Conducted by nursing marketplace firm ShiftKey, the survey found that 86 percent of all women in healthcare reported experiencing burnout, with 64…
Takeaways Research shows that there are high nurse burnout rates from systemic workplace issues, including unmanageable case-loads, poor communication, excessive administrative burdens and an overall lack of care. Nurse wellness programs—including resilience training, peer-to-peer counseling, and meditation—are critical, because of high exposure to trauma and suffering, but these efforts need…
Editor's Note: Lack of quality vacation time explains part of the reason why so many physicians are experiencing burnout, according to a study published January 12 in Jama Network Open. Specifically, the study found that 7 out of 10 participating US physicians did at least some work on a typical…