Tag: collaboration

Blast from the past: 10 steps to building a business case for new technology

A previous issue of OR Manager included the article, "Building a business case for new technology," which featured tips from leaders at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center on the importance of building a thorough business case for implementing new technology in the OR. With the next OR Business Management…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
October 4, 2023

Study: Greater support for nurses needed in their workplaces

Editor's Note A new study by PRC, a healthcare market research and consulting company, finds that 15.6% of nurses have feelings of burnout and 41% feel unengaged, the September 6 nurse.org reports. In addition, the survey of more than 2,000 healthcare partners finds that 50% of nurses who report feeling…

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By: Judy Mathias
September 12, 2023

Collaboration in, out of the OR: Two surgeons' perspectives

Nurse leaders know that a successful workplace fosters and celebrates teamwork. In the OR, teamwork among surgeons, surgical technologists, circulating nurses, anesthesiologists, and first assistants, to name a few, is critical to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes. And teamwork does not have to be reserved for inside the surgical…

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By: Breann Kakacek, BSN, RN
March 17, 2023

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