Tag: Communication


Editor’s note: This editorial is by Judy Mathias, OR Manager’s clinical editor. It is adapted from remarks made in a webinar presented by DLA Piper in partnership with the Cohen Group, titled, “Looking forward: COVID-19 and its implications for global business and international cooperation.” The speakers were General James Mattis,…

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By: Judith M. Mathias, MA, RN
June 17, 2020

Taming bullies requires courage, commitment, and consistent effort

Bullying and incivility have long been pervasive in healthcare, particularly in nursing. Additional stressors related to COVID-19 have worsened things in many facilities. “When there’s a crisis, we see the best in people and the worst,” says Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CSP. “On social media, we’re seeing a lot of…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
June 17, 2020

Agile, data-driven strategy for managing the OR after COVID-19

As state authorities begin to ease restrictions imposed by COVID-19, physicians, nurse leaders, and administrators face a momentous challenge: resuming elective surgical procedures that have been postponed for several weeks or months. How will they accommodate the looming glut of elective surgery demand with limited infrastructure and staff who are…

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By: Derrick Bransby, MBA
June 17, 2020

Pre-COVID initiatives pave way for successful crisis management

Proactive leadership, early preparation, and ongoing planning and communication have helped mitigate COVID-19 threats at Tampa General Hospital in Tampa, Florida. As a result, resuming elective surgical cases in early May was a relatively seamless process thanks to process improvements made before the pandemic hit. “We started working on COVID-19…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
June 17, 2020

ASC offsets some revenue loss through 'Hospital Without Walls' waiver

Far fewer cases of COVID-19 have been seen in rural areas of the US than in large urban populations. But even healthcare facilities not inundated with COVID-19 patients have sustained revenue losses and disruptions in standard procedures. One major advantage for Heartland Surgery Center in Kearney, Nebraska, was seeing the…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
June 17, 2020

Self-awareness fosters higher emotional intelligence

Everyone has had bad days at work when they may have felt frustrated, sad, angry, stressed, afraid, nauseated, sick, or overwhelmed. Why do some move from experiencing a terrible day at work to leaving the organization, whereas others pull themselves together? How do we rally from burnout, disappointment, frustration, and…

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By: Jamie Ridout, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR, CASC
June 17, 2020

ACS releases new resources to help prepare patients for surgery delayed by COVID-19

Editor's Note The American College of Surgeons on June 3 released new resources to help surgeons and hospitals address patients’ concerns about having surgical procedures that were delayed by COVID-19. The document, “Preparing to have surgery during the time of COVID-19,” includes a patient-surgeon discussion guide with suggested questions patients…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 4, 2020

An agile, data-driven strategy for post-COVID-19 OR management

Editor's Note As states begin to ease restrictions imposed by COVID-19, physicians, nurse leaders, and administrators face a momentous challenge in resuming elective surgical procedures. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center developed a model that made best use of available data (eg, case logs, forecasts, etc). Adoption of an agile methodology—a…

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By: Judy Mathias
May 14, 2020

Readying your SPD for a post-COVID world

Editor's Note While responding to demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, perioperative leaders also are busy preparing staff and departments for life after the initial shock subsides. Chief among their preparations are strategies to address the increased demand for surgery because of postponement of elective and nonessential surgical procedures. The sterile…

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By: Judy Mathias
May 14, 2020

Hospital-wide ERAS adoption hinges on leadership support

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is arguably the greatest advancement in surgery in the last 20 years. But even healthcare leaders who support the use of ERAS to achieve better outcomes can find it daunting to implement the protocols throughout their hospital systems. Standardizing practices across areas that have historically…

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By: OR Manager
May 12, 2020

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