The main distinction between good and bad debriefings comes down to the level of staff engagement. That’s what the surgical team at the University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, learned during a project designed to improve the quality of the 30- to 60-second conversations held after surgery. “In a good debriefing,…
Union membership has declined steeply in recent decades. Increasingly, organized labor is targeting the healthcare industry as a growth opportunity. This is creating a leadership challenge for OR directors and managers. In 2012, approximately 21% of hospitals in the US had a union nursing staff. That percentage could soon increase…
It is hard to have tea with a friend or brag about a school soccer victory without involving social media. What was once a private or family matter no longer seems real until it is texted, posted, or even turned into a movie. Healthcare organizations, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs),…
The morbidity and mortality (M&M) conference is a traditional forum that provides clinicians with an opportunity to discuss errors and adverse events. Most are discipline specific. When a mortality or significant morbidity occurs in the OR, however, it is rarely owned by a single discipline. Multiple disciplines take care of…
“Each year, diagnostic errors result in the deaths of an estimated 44,000 to 80,000 patients, and many thousands die because of teamwork and communication errors affecting their care or because they do not receive necessary evidence-based interventions,” according to an article published online last year in JAMA. No one would…
Huddles are hot. Experts cite them as effective patient safety tools, and many hospitals have implemented them on nursing units at the start of the shift. The perioperative services team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, broadened the huddle concept to include several disciplines and a structured format,…
A mobile, web-based rounding tool is allowing the perioperative leadership team at Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) in Vail, Colorado, to collect, analyze, and report on information gathered from surgeons, staff, and patients to improve quality of care and move toward high reliability. Software designed by MyRounding Solutions in Littleton,…
Sacred Heart Medical Center RiverBend in Springfield, Oregon, began OR optimization efforts soon after moving to a new facility in August 2008. Because of the US economic downturn around that same time, the hospital launched several initiatives to make the most of available resources, including a Lean process to improve…
After a poor handoff from the OR to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) was identified as the culprit behind a serious adverse event, Nancy Robinson, DNP, MSN, RN, LHRM, CCM, made it her mission to avoid a recurrence. “I’m passionate about safe patient hand-offs,” says Robinson. “I didn’t want this…
In the days after the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, many praised the way the city’s hospitals responded to the attack. But clinicians in those hospitals aren’t resting on their laurels. They have examined what worked well (and not so well) after the event and continue to plan…