Health systems nationwide are examining policies and procedures related to their resources, staffing, and scheduling to prepare for anticipated patient surges due to COVID-19. In late March, I talked with perioperative physicians and administrators from two health systems with rapid increases in COVID-positive cases, which have prompted significant changes in…
When the coronavirus pandemic begins to subside, hospital leaders will be sorting out the repercussions and trying to resume normal operations. The main impact on ORs has been the widespread cancellation of non-essential procedures. Case cancellations in March and April have reduced elective procedure volumes as much as 90%. Most…
Editor's Note In this study from the Houston Methodist Research Institute, immediate-use steam sterilization (IUSS) using a Steris Amsco Evolution HC1500 PreVac Steam Sterilizer autoclave was performed on N95 masks. Masks were wrapped in paper-plastic sterilization peel pouches (Medical Action Industries 8” role, Ref 422R). A chemical indicator and biological…
Editor's Note The American College of Surgeons (ACS) on April 17 announced that the ACS, AORN, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), and American Hospital Association (AHA) together developed a roadmap to guide readiness, prioritization, and scheduling for safely resuming elective surgery. Highlights of the roadmap include: Implementing a policy for…
Editor's Note In a cohort of SARS-CoV-2 positive healthcare workers (HCW) residing in King County, Washington, this study found that symptom screening only for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat might have missed 17% of symptomatic HCW at the time of illness onset, and expanding criteria to include…
Editor' Note The American College of Surgeons (ACS) on April 17 released a new document, “Local Resumption of Elective Surgery Guidance,” to help healthcare facilities prepare to resume elective surgery once COVID-19 has peaked in their area. The document includes four categories: COVID Awareness—addresses the community’s COVID-19 numbers, including prevalence,…
Editor's Note In this study, unprotected, prolonged patient contact and certain exposures, including aerosol-generating procedures, were linked to SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers (HCW) exposed to a hospitalized patient with unrecognized COVID-19 in Solano County, California. Of 121 HCW exposed to a patient with unrecognized COVID-19, 43 became symptomatic and…
Editor's Note: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 19 issued recommendations on how hospitals and healthcare systems can protect their staff and patients as they reopen for nonemergent care. The new recommendations update earlier guidance on limiting nonessential surgical and medical procedures and are specifically targeted…
Editor's Note Many adults with comorbid conditions lacked critical knowledge about COVID-19, and, despite concern, they did not change their routines or plans, this study finds. In this cross-sectional survey of 630 adults aged 23 to 88 years, and living with one or more chronic conditions: 24.6% were “very worried”…
Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on April 14 released a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on the characteristics of healthcare workers (HCW) with COVID-19 in the US. From February 12 to April 9, 2020, there were 9,282 cases of COVID-19 reported among HCWs. The median…