Editor's Note Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data is showing an uptick in COVID-19 positivity rates and emergency department visits after months of decline, according to the July 24 US News and World Report. Cases of the Omicron subvariant EG.5, which was recently added to the World Health…
Editor's Note This study by researchers at South Dakota State University, Brookings, investigates why COVID-19 booster uptake has been a challenge among nurses. A total of 1,084 nurses were included in the analysis. Results showed that the odds ratio (OR) for booster uptake was associated with: Partisan self-identification (OR 0.40)…
Editor's Note This study by led nurse researchers at the Deaconess Health System, Evansville, Indiana, compares the degree of resilience and physical and mental health in nurses before and during COVID-19. A higher proportion of nurses surveyed during COVID-19 reported working more than 8 hours of overtime per week, had…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission, on July 5, announced that its surveyors will no longer be evaluating compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement for accreditation. The standard will remain in the current manual until the next standards release later this year, The Joint Commission says.
Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tracking a new COVID-19 Omicron variant, EU.1.1, that is responsible for 1.7% of new cases in the US and up to 8.7% of those in the western regions of Montana, Colorado, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah, the…
Editor's Note The annual Commonwealth Fund’s Scorecard on State Health System Performance, released June 22, finds an increase in preventable deaths in all states in 2021, especially among Blacks and American Indian/Alaska Native people, and a nearly two-fold increase in maternal mortality from 2018 to 2021. Massachusetts, Hawaii, and New…
Editor's Note Because of recent studies, the evolving nature of COVID-19, and widespread vaccination, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) on June 20 released a joint statement providing updated recommendations for the timing of elective surgery and anesthesia after COVID-19 infection. The recommendations include:…
Editor's Note This study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, finds that standardized infection ratios (SIRs) were significantly higher during COVID-19 than during the prepandemic period, and the incidence of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) was elevated during periods of high COVID-19 hospitalizations. The analysis revealed elevated incidence…
Editor's Note This Chinese study finds that wearing N95 face masks for 14 hours significantly affects physiological, biochemical, and perception parameters. The effect was primarily caused by increased respiratory resistance and subsequent decreased blood oxygen and pH. This randomized clinical trial included 30 healthy participants between March 7 and August…
Editor's Note This Canadian study finds that translocator protein distribution volume (TSPO Vt) an index of brain gliosis (ie, an inflammatory change) was higher in COVID-19 patients with persistent depressive and cognitive symptoms (COVID-DC). Researchers compared TSPO Vt of specific regions of the brain in 20 participants with COVID-DC and…