Tag: Credentialing

Survey: 1 in 3 ORs using assistants doesn’t require special qualifications

Who assists at surgery in your OR? If not physicians, most commonly they are RN first assistants (RNFAs) and physician assistants, OR Manager subscribers report in a new survey. Only 15% of respondents say they do not use nonphysicians as assistants. Not surprisingly, more community hospitals (89%) use nonphysicians in…

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By: OR Manager
September 1, 2012

Solving the patchwork quilt of credentialing for vendors

Would you like to be on 60 Minutes and answer the question as to why the supplier who had TB was allowed in the OR?" asks Tom Hughes, MBA, executive director for Strategic Marketplace Initiative (SMI), a nonprofit consortium of providers and suppliers from the healthcare supply chain. "Let's head…

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By: OR Manager
July 1, 2009

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