Takeaways • The prevalence of needlesticks and other sharp object injuries to OR team members is 42.8%, an increase of 16% over the past decade. • New research and perspectives are shaping the discourse around sharps safety, such as new and expanded evidence-based practices presented in AORN’s 2025 update to…
Reduced costs, faster recovery, and other advantages can make outpatient surgical procedures more convenient for providers and patients alike. Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are incredibly safe, but a lot of work goes into infection control. Cross-trained staff often wear many hats, and limited budgets may not leave room for dedicated…
Editor's Note Asking questions at a business conference can go farther than one might think. Consider the new Foundational Leadership Practicum Certificate of Mastery (FLP-COM), created by CCI - Competency & Credentialing Institute in response to repeated questions about leadership certifications without formal mentoring or training in nursing. “We were…
How should responsibilities associated with C-sections be divided between the OR team and the OB/GYN department at a staff-strapped rural hospital? This was just one of many questions I had never considered prior to attending the 2024 OR Manager Conference, which drew perioperative professionals to the MGM Grand in Las…
Editor's Note A standing-room-only panel discussion outlined the strengths and challenges of multigenerational workforces Monday afternoon at the 2024 OR Manager Conference, offering insights into different generations' needs and values as well as strategies for fostering harmony. The panel, all from Main Line Health’s Lankenau Hospital, contained a representative from…
Asking who, what, why, when, where, and how—otherwise known as the “5 Ws and an H”— is a time-tested way for writers and researchers to ensure comprehensive coverage of any topic. Here, we apply this framework from the perspective of sterile processing department (SPD) professionals seeking to start a water…
Editor's Note Nearly half of hospital executives report that their hospitals are not fully prepared to cope with patient volumes, Becker’s Hospital Review reported June 13. Citing the June 12 Hospital Operations Outlook Survey from FTI Consulting, Becker’s reports that nursing and mental and behavior health specialists represent the greatest…
Complex problems do not always require complex solutions. Consider the surgical safety checklist. In 2020, more than a decade after the World Health Organization (WHO) started advocating that every hospital use the checklist, research from PSNET found that more than 90% of ORs in countries with a high human development…
Editor's Note Surgeons are more likely to be reported for unprofessional behavior than any other category of physician, and pediatric specialists are least likely, according to a study published June 6 in Jama Network Open. Based on data from the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy's Coworker Observation Reporting System…
Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) play an increasingly crucial role in delivering outpatient surgical care that is efficient, effective, and—most importantly—safe. As the ASC sector continues to grow and evolve, maintaining best practices in hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection is imperative to protect patients from infections. ASCs also should…