Tag: Disaster Planning

Treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients with convalescent plasma

Editor's Note In this preliminary uncontrolled case series of five critically ill COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients, administration of convalescent plasma containing neutralizing antibody was followed by improvement in their clinical status. All five patients (age 36-65 years, 2 women and 3 men) were on mechanical ventilation,…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 30, 2020

HHS: FDA issues emergency authorization of anti-malaria drugs for COVID-19 treatment

Editor's Note The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on March 29 that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19. The FDA allowed for the drugs to be “donated to the Strategic National Stockpile…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 30, 2020

Characteristics, outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 patients in Washington state

Editor's Note This study represents the first description of critically ill patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the US. These patients had a high rate of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and a high risk of death, similar to patients in China. A total of 21 patients with a mean age…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 26, 2020

FDA acts to increase COVID-19 supplies with instructions for manufacturers importing PPE, devices

Editor's Note The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on March 24 took action to increase US supplies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing instructions to manufacturers importing personal protective equipment (PPE) and other devices. The instructions to manufacturers clarify the types of PPE and devices they can import…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 26, 2020

Viral load in posterior oropharyngeal saliva, serum antibody responses with COVID-19

Editor's Note Nasopharyngeal and throat swabs are typically used for viral load monitoring of respiratory infections, but they cause discomfort for patients and put healthcare workers at risk. This study found that posterior oropharyngeal saliva specimens, which are obtained by patients themselves, are an acceptable alternative for initial diagnosis and…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 26, 2020

FDA announces actions taken in response to COVID-19 pandemic

Editor's Note: The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on March 25 announced several actions it has taken in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: In response to the demand for hand sanitizers and their active ingredient, alcohol, the FDA issued guidance to alcohol manufacturers on how to incorporate…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 26, 2020

COVID-19 case-fatality rate, patient characteristics in Italy

Editor's Note In the first half of February only three cases of COVID-19 were identified in Italy, and all had recently traveled to China. On February 20, a case of pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2 was diagnosed in northern Italy’s Lombardy region. Within 14 days, many other cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 25, 2020

ACS, AORN, ASA release joint statement on elective surgery decision making

Editor's Note The American College of Surgeons (ACS), Association of perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN), and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) on March 24 released a joint statement regarding decision making on elective surgeries. The statement includes that: "A Surgical Review Committee, composed of surgery, anesthesiology, and nursing personnel is…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 25, 2020

CDC: First preliminary description of outcomes in US patients with COVID-19

Editor's Note This first preliminary description of outcomes in COVID-19 patients in the US between February 12 and March 16, 2020, indicates that fatalities were: 10% to 27% in patients aged 85 or more 3% to 11% in patients aged 65-84 years 1% to 3% in patients aged 55-64 years…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 19, 2020

CMS releases recommendations on adult elective surgeries, procedures

Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on March 18 released recommendations that all elective surgeries and nonessential medical, surgical, and dental procedures be delayed during the COVID-19 outbreak. As more healthcare providers are asked to assist with the COVID-19 response, it is important that they consider…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 19, 2020

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